Adult Fit 90-Day Challenge!


 Adult Fit 90 day spring Challenge


Ø  The challenge will be based on a point system

o   For every workout logged, people will get points.

§  Each workout will have a different point value

§  In order to get points for at home workouts there needs to be a sight for photo posted to our adult fit challenge group on wechat.

o   Workouts done at Varsity will be worth more points

§  For attending and participating full out in Adult fit and yoga classes, people will receive a higher number of points than workouts at home because an instructor will have to sign off on the athlete being able to receive those points

o   The instructor reserves the right to dock points for people showing up late, or leaving to take phone calls, and not participating.

o   For every cm lost in all measured areas a point will be given.

§  Ie. Tummy, legs, arms, chest

Ø  Bonus points

o   Bonus points will be given out at instructor’s discretion, and for being able to complete skills from both the cheer and dance side of our gym, and for challenges in classes that the instructor gives

Ø  Challengers can either track their progress on the JEFIT app on their phone so everyone can see their progress, submit written workouts or post their workouts to the Adult Fit Challenge group on wechat.

Ø  Points will be tallied and a leader board will be posted once a week in the Adult Fit Challenge group.

Ø  Challengers will receive a band and USB with a demonstration of all the workouts and bonus points

Ø  Challengers are encouraged to follow Varsity staff on JEFIT to see their workouts and progress throughout the challenge.


Point system and Values.

-          At home workouts

o   Upper Body workouts

§  Push up(15) = 1 point

§  Tricep dip(20) = 1 point

§  Band curls(15) = 1 point

§  Band shoulder press(10) = 1 point

§  Band seated rows (15) = 1 point

§  Band reverse flies(10) =1 point

§  Band sword pulls(10 each arm) = 1 point

§  Band push up(10) = 1 point

§  Band upright rows(15) = 1 point

o   Lower body workouts

§  Body weight squats(15) = 1 point

§  Walking lunges(10 each leg) = 1 point

§  Calf raises(30) = 1 point

§  One legged squats (5 each leg) = 1 point

§  Wall sits (45 seconds) = 1 point

§  Band Side leg raises (10 each leg) = 1 point

§  Prisoner squats (30 second hold) = 1 point

§  Side squats (10 each way) = 1 point

o   Cardio/full body

§  Walking (20 minutes) = 1 point

§  Jogging (10 minutes) = 1 point

§  Cycling (15 minutes) = 1 point

§  Burpees (20) = 1 point

§  Box jumps(20) = 1 point

§  Swimming (30 minutes) = 1 point

§  Badminton (1 hour) = 1 point

§  Other sports (1 Hour) = 1 point

§  Stairs (10 minutes) = 1 point

§  Elliptical (15 minutes) = 1 point

o   Core

§  Plank(45 seconds) = 1 point

§  Sit up(15) = 1 point

§  Supermans (15) = 1 point

§  V-ups (15) = 1 point

§  Bicycles (10 each way) = 1 point

§  Lemon squeezers (10) = 1 point

§  Leg raises (10 each way) = 1 point

§  Crunches (30) = 1 point

§  Russian twists (15 each way) = 1 point

§  Side crunches (10 each side) = 1 point

o   Yoga/Stretching

§  5 minutes = 1 point

-          Adult Fit/ Yoga Classes

o   Adult Fit

§  25 points

o   Yoga

§  25 points

-          Bonus Points

o   Beg. Tumbling skills

§  Handstand = 25 points

·         Must hold three seconds independently

·         Clean entry

·         Clean dismount

§  Forward roll = 25 points

·         Not using arms standing up

·         Legs together

§  Backward roll = 25 points

·         Not letting shoulders or knees touch

·         Legs together

§  Bridge =25 points

·         Straight legs

·         Arms by ears and locked out

§  Cartwheel = 25 points

·         Start in lunge

·         Kick legs over head

·         Land in lunge

o   Int. Tumbling skills

§  Backbend = 50 points

·         Starting from standing into a good bridge

§  Kick over = 50 points

·         Being able to kick their leg over their head and finish the skill in a lunge

§  Handstand backbend = 50 points

·         Requirement for handstand and bridge

o   Advanced Tumbling skills

§  Back handspring = 100 points

·         Good form on spring floor

o   Beg. Dance Skills

§  Pirouette = 25 points

§  X-jump = 25 points

§  Shoulder stand = 25 points

§  Saud De Chat = 25 points

§  Herkie = 25 points

o   Int. Dance Skills

§  Toe Touch = 50 points

§  Baby freeze = 50 points

§  Double Pirouette = 50 points

o   Advanced Dance skills

§  Triple Pirouette = 100 points

