Workout & Diet Tips for Different Body Types (Ectomorph, Mesomorph, and Endomorph)




Have you ever noticed that some people are naturally skinny, naturally fat, naturally lean or naturally muscular? It’s not your imagination. There are different body types and genetics that play a role in how our bodies look. More importantly, these different body types play a role in how easy or hard it is to gain or lose weight.


Some people (ectomorphs) seem to eat whatever they want and never gain weight. Other people (endomorphs) seem to gain weight no matter how much they workout or how little they eat. While other people (mesomorphs) look like they workout even when they don’t.


These genetic factors are something we all have to live with whether we like it or not. However, with hard work and dedication we can improve and look our best.


As I stated earlier in the article there are 3 different body types…






Figuring out which category you fit into will help you understand why certain aspects of your diet and workout are harder, easier, slower or faster. From there, you’ll be able to figure out how to adjust your diet and workout to get the maximum benefits. 


What Is An Ectomorph?

Ectomorphs are the naturally skinny body type. These are the men and women who were likely skinny their entire lives without actually having to put much (if any) effort into their diet or workout. These are the people who seem to be able to eat as much as they want and never gain weight.


This isn’t true of course (anyone who eats too much will always gain weight), it’s just the genetics of an ectomorph make it a whole lot harder to reach that point for weight gain to occur, especially when compared to the other different body types.


Common Genetic Traits of Ectomorphs:

1.      Lightning fast metabolism.

2.      Tiny bone structure (skinny wrists, skinny ankles, etc.).

3.      Sometimes a little hyper, and often times overly frigidity (which increases their NEAT – non exercise activity thermogenesis – which is part of what causes that super fast metabolism).

4.      Often picky eaters who don’t always possess a huge appetite.

5.      Naturally lacking muscle and strength.

6.      Naturally skinny, although not naturally lean (there’s a difference)


So if your goal is to just be skinny or to excel at a sport primarily based on endurance, you definitely want to be an ectomorph rather than an endomorph and possibly even a mesomorph. But if your goal is to build muscle, be strong, get big, or be fast and explosive, then the last thing you want to be is an ectomorph.


The same genetic factors that make us naturally skinny are the same factors that make gaining weight and building muscle difficult.  It puts a lower limit on the amount of muscle we are genetically capable of building and how big we are capable of getting.


Though it is more difficult for ectomorphs to build muscle it doesn’t mean we cannot transform our bodies to what we want them to be. In order to achieve their goals an ectomorph diet should take advantage of carbs, not skip out on protein, and eat every 2 hours since their metabolic rate is so high. 


A much higher percentage of your caloric intake should come from carbohydrates. Starchy, unprocessed, whole grain carbs will help you feel and look your best—opt for sweet potatoes over white bread. Drink simple carbs during your workout. If anyone should be drinking calories, it's the ectomorph. You'll feel energized and have more to give, especially towards the end of a grueling workout.


You want to do the exact opposite of someone trying to lose weight. Add about 500 calories to your diet and see if your weight starts to increase. If it doesn't, try reducing your non-resistance exercise (any cardio-based exercise). Still no weight-gain? Add another 500 Calories.


What Is An Endomorph?

The next body type is basically the complete opposite of the previously mentioned ectomorph… the endomorph.

Endomorphs are the naturally bigger body type. These are the men and women who were likely always a little bit wider and thicker than everyone else most of their lives. These are the people who, despite their diet or workout, seem to gain weight just thinking about food and find it nearly impossible to lose it and keep it off.

This isn’t true of course (anyone who eats fewer calories than they burn will always lose weight), it’s just the genetics of an endomorph make it a whole lot harder to reach that point for weight loss to occur, especially when compared to the other body types.


Common Genetic Traits of Endomorphs:

1.      Super slow metabolism.

2.      Thick bone structure (thick wrists, thick ankles, etc.).

3.      Often people who love to eat and have huge appetites.

4.      Naturally big and strong.

5.      Naturally lacking tone, definition and any real form of leanness.


So if your goal is to be really big and strong or excel at sports and activities based around these physical characteristics, then you definitely want to be an endomorph rather than an ectomorph and possibly even a mesomorph.


But if your goal is to be skinny, lean, ripped, toned or anything similar, then you endomorphs definitely have your work cut out for you. People with this body type will definitely have a harder time losing fat (or just losing weight in general) but can typically gain the most muscle and be the strongest of the group.


An endomorphs diet should consist of high protein with less carbohydrates and fat. They should consume more than 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. Protein is essential for building lean muscles and intake of the right quantity of protein makes your weight loss program much more effective. Your fat consumption should majorly be composed of dietary fat like olive oil, nuts and nut butter, fish and fish oil, flex seed oil, eggs etc. For endomorphs calorie deficit is key for weight loss.


What Is A Mesomorph?

Mesomorphs are considered the genetic elite. This is the prototypical athlete, fitness model, and bodybuilder. Where the ectomorph and the endomorph both have a positive and negative side, the mesomorph has pretty much the best of both worlds.


Common Genetic Traits of Mesomorphs:

1.      Ideal metabolic rate (not too fast, not too slow).

2.      Ideal bone structure (not too thick, not too thin).

3.      Naturally lean (instead of naturally “skinny” like an ectomorph).

4.      Naturally muscular (instead of naturally “big” like an endomorph).

5.      Naturally athletic.


Mesomorphs are the people who are often naturally muscular and lean without putting any time or effort into a diet or workout.


So, if your goal is to have pretty much anything anyone would consider the “perfect body” or excel at a sport or activity based around having the perfect combination of speed, explosiveness, strength and endurance, you definitely want to be a mesomorph.


Like I said before, most of the top athletes on the planet fit into this category of body types. Whenever you hear someone referred to as having “above average genetics,” they are talking about mesomorphs. They are pretty much the best at doing anything related to improving how their body looks or performs.


Don’t Let Your Body Type Hold You Back!



Different body types do exist, and they do play a role to your fitness goals. Regardless of our body type you can still get the results you want. Yes, our genetics will make certain things harder for us but that doesn’t mean they prevent us from accomplishing our goals. We can all still set up our diet and workout in a way that will allow us to get the body we want.



 Writed by: Antwan£ºTami


Tami Whatcott is originally from Utah, but is currently based out of Chicago. She graduated from Utah Valley University with a BFA in Modern Dance and a BS in Dance Education. Tami has been an instructor for Universal Dance Association for the past 9 years. She has had the opportunity to travel not only across America, but internationally as well working in countries such as Spain, England, China, Chile, Argentina, Ecuador, Slovenia, Austria and Mexico to teach, perform, choreograph and judge in many genres from high school to college levels.She has been a member of Synergy Dance Company, Contemporary Dance Ensemble, UVU Ballroom Tour Team, Joel Hall Dancers & Center, Noumenon Dance Ensemble, and danced and coached professionally for the Utah Flash. She has been trained in ballet, modern, jazz, contemporary, hip-hop, and ballroom. Tami is excited to start her new adventure in China with VAC!