Tumbling Trio.



 During the spring session we are starting a program called the “Tumbling Trio.” We will be running this program throughout the spring session and it will end right before school gets out. The tumbling trio focuses on the core concepts of tumbling: the bridge, handstand, and hollow body. Athletes that are able to demonstrate these skills perfectly will be able to sign the tumbling trio board in the gym and at the end of the program they will be invited to a pizza party.

The first skill is the bridge. It is important that kids can do this skill with straight legs and feet and knees together. They also need to have their arms squeezing their ears and enough back flexibility to push through their toes so their chests are over their hands. This is important because it make skills such as back walkover, back bend kick overs, and back handsprings much easier to complete. Along with this good form, a strong core is important so kids can use their abdominal muscles to get their legs over. 




The second skill is a handstand. In a handstand it is important that kids squeeze their arms to their ears and keep their shoulders engaged by shrugging them. They must also have a strong kick so they can get on top of their hands so gravity will pull them straight down rather than forward or backwards. Another way they can keep from falling forward or backward is by keeping their core engaged and squeezing their abdominal muscles. The handstand is used many times within tumbling skills such as handstand forward rolls, back extension rolls, and handstand front limbers. 




The last skill in the tumbling trio is a hollow body. In a hollow body athletes will lie on their backs and use their stomach muscles to lift their chest and legs so only their lower and mid-back is on the ground. While lifting their legs and chest they must also squeeze their legs together and keep their arms squeezed to their ears. It is also very important that they point their toes in this skill. This locks their ankles into place. The reason the hollow body is so important is because of safety. To safely tumble athletes need to keep their core, arms, and ankles engaged throughout all skills. When muscles are engaged there is less of a chance of them pulling a muscle, or twisting their ankles.




Successfully completing all skills in the tumbling trio will make athletes stronger and safer tumblers. The bridge and handstand will teach them proper technique that is used throughout all skills and will help them progress faster. The hollow body will help keep them safe and teach them body awareness that is important to minimize the risk of injury. These core skills of tumbling will be used throughout their entire career and mastering them is very important to a successful tumbling career.