Finding Your Workout Mindset


Working out doesn’t have to be such a chore or burden in your life.  You just have to set your mind into goal-mode, have determination and everything will fall into place. Here are some helpful tips to get you in the right mindset before you start exercising.

1. Set Realistic Expectations

Before you actually begin your new workout routine, set a goal for yourself. What exactly do you want to achieve: weight loss, toning, maintenance? If you are new to exercise, do not overwhelm yourself. Try to stick to one small physical goal, and keep a list of objectives. When you set realistic expectations for yourself, you will be able to obtain them. Then, you may work on the more difficult objectives as you progress.  If you are considering joining a gym, many gyms have personal trainers available to help you set a goal for yourself. If you are uncertain about what you want to achieve, or even how to physically do so, personal trainers or Varsity staff can help improve your mindset.  They will give you that extra push that you sometimes need to remain focused.

2. Find a Fitness Buddy

With numerous people wanting to get in shape and become healthy, it shouldn't be too difficult to find yourself a friend to work out with. When you workout with a partner, you are more motivated to complete a workout. Whether you are simply having more fun while working out with a friend, or you feel more competitive and push 

yourself to the limit to be the best, depends on your personality. Either way, having a friend right by your side proves beneficial. 



3. It Does Not Matter What You Do …                                                                                          

Just do something! It doesn’t matter if you can’t afford an expensive gym membership. Just because you do not have access to those state-of-the-art fitness machines, does not mean you cannot exercise efficiently. Exercise does not have to be formal. Run up and down your stairs 10 times a day. Take your dog outside for a jog around the park or city. Anything that makes your heart beat faster and your body use oxygen more rapidly is a form of cardiovascular exercise.Use what you have at home. Furniture is a great lifting platform.  Put your feet on an elevated surface to create an incline and use your body weight against you.  Use heavy bags of food or drink bottles for weights.  Don’t let anything discourage you from your ultimate fitness goals.

4. Eat Healthy

In order to become physically fit, working out is half the battle. You must have a healthy diet to maintain a good fitness program. If you can afford it, consult a dietician for nutritional advice. A good dietician can tell you what foods you should eat to compliment your workout and help you attain a leaner, healthier body. Remember, even though you may work out consistently, if you do not offer your body enough nourishment, all of your hard work will be for naught. A body needs healthy food in order to properly receive the benefits of exercise.  Diet is just as important as exercise.  

5. There aremillions of others who want to exercise on a regular basis, but find it difficult to stay motivated or interested. As physical as exercise is, the first step to any kind of exercise is your mental state. It is important to remember that you exercise, not to torture yourself, but to make yourself feel good.  So, do things that you enjoy!  For example, yoga is a wonderful way to cleanse your mind and become fit at the same time.  Or, join a basketball league, and forget that you are actually exercising while having a great time!  Also, free weights can be difficult to repeatedly lift, but think of that lovely burn you receive at the end. If you begin your new workout routine with a negative attitude toward exercise, itself, you will not be able to work out regularly. Remind yourself that exercise can be fun. It feels awesome to workout.









The authors



Ryan Purkiser


-Member of UCA Cheer staff. 

-Cheered in College for 5 years and traveled throughout the US conducting stunt clinics for schools and cheer gyms. 

-Have worked numerous national and world cheerleading competitions and events.