At Home Arm Workout

At Home Arm Workout

Wanting to workout but struggling to find time or money to go to the gym? Here is a great at home workout for all ages! All you need is some athletic clothes and shoes. Be sure you follow the warm up and stretching procedures, stated in the last fitness article, before you get started.


10-15 min Warming up and stretching

25 Jumping Jacks

10 Pike Push-Ups

15 Tricep Dips

5 each way Plank Walks

*Repeat 3 times

2 minute break

5 Burpies

10 Push-Ups (5wide and 5 narrow)

10 Plank Up-Downs

30 sec Arm Circles (forward and backward)= 1 min total

*Repeat 3 times

10 min stretch


Exercise Breakdown

Jumping Jacks

Start with your feet together and arms by your side. Jump spreading your feet out and bring your arms to the top, then jump back together. Once you get the motions try doing it consecutively.


Pike Push-Ups

Start in a plank position and walk your feet closer to your hands until your body makes an upside down V. Turn your fingers toward each other and now you are in the correct position to begin. From here lower your top half to the ground by bending your arms with your elbows moving outward. Then push back up to the starting position. It is important to keep your core tight and legs straight.


Tricep Dips

Start in a table top position with your fingers facing your feet and your hips level with your knees. Lower your body to the ground by only bending your arms; elbows should be moving away from the body. Push back up to starting position by straightening your arms. Be sure to squeeze your core and keep hips level.


Plank Walks

Start in a plank position with feet together. Step both right foot and right hand to the right so you are in a star position. Then bring the left foot and hand to meet the right foot and hand; you should be in the starting position. Repeat this 5 times to the right then change directions and head to the left.



Start by jumping up in the air with feet together and arms by your ears, when landing; go all the way down to a squat position. Next, shoot your legs back to a plank position and then bring your feet back to the squat position. Then start over by jumping in the air.


Wide: Start in a plank position with your arms wider that shoulder width apart. Lower yourself to the ground with your elbows moving outward. Your arms should be at a 90 degree angle. Then return to the starting position by pushing your body back to the top.

Narrow: Start in a plank position with your arms shoulder width apart. Lower yourself to the ground with your elbows moving backward toward your feet. Return to the starting position by pushing your body to the top.

Plank Up-Downs

Start in a plank position on your hands and toes. One arm at a time, change to a plank position on your forearms. Once you are on both forearms push back up to your hands one at a time. Then Repeat!

Arm Circles

Start by standing with your feet a little wider than shoulder width apart and your arms straight out to the side, parallel with the ground. Pretend you are making little circles with your fingertips, first moving forward, and then repeating moving backward. It is important to keep your arms really tight and focus on rotating from the shoulder.

*For all exercises be sure you are squeezing your core to maintain proper technique!



Varsity Cheerleading Academy



Address: Zhuguang Newtown International Center Block A, 4th Floor

Qingyi Street No.1, Zhujiang Newtown

Tianhe District Guangzhou City.

(Metro Line 5 Tancun Station, Exit D, next to Zhujiang Park)

Tel: 020-37031336


Wechat ID: varsitychina